Running low on flour? Don't worry! On the following weekend of 26 & 27 Jan, we will be having a sale of our flours at SG Farmers Market @ Cairnhill CC
For this event only, we will be selling 3x1kg packets for $10 for our popular All-Purpose, Bread and Cake flour (regular prices $3.70, $4.00 and $3.90 respectively)
Do visit us and stock up on these baking essentials for the new year! See you there!
来临的周末,我们将在 Cairnhill CC 的 SG Farmer’s Market 举行一场面粉促销活动。
促销活动中,大众将能以特别优惠价购买到受欢迎的 水手牌特级粉心粉,特级强力粉和超级蛋糕粉。
春节将至,用我们的水手牌特级粉心粉特级强力粉和超级蛋糕粉制做糕点,味道更美味, 吃得更健康。尤其适宜做黄梨挞。
欢迎各位莅临Cairnhill CC 的SG Farmer’s Market来选购新一年的烘培必须品吧!